Hello! I am Paul Hamilton Smith, the author of this blog. I’m telling you that so you will know whom to blame if you come across something you don’t like, or that is wrong…or that you think is wrong. I like to argue, but only if I think that you’re wrong. Hopefully there won’t be much of that here, since most of what either I or my readers say will be agreeable to everyone. But I’m sure there will be an odd moment here or there…
My claim to fame for writing a blog like this about applied consciousness and ESP, especially one particular form of ESP most commonly called “remote viewing” (but I also like the term “remote perception” — hence the rather longish name of the blog) is that for seven years (1983-1990) I was a remote viewer in the US military’s Star Gate psychic espionage program. I learned remote viewing from its creators, Mr. Ingo Swann and Dr. Harold E. “Hal” Puthoff; I did remote viewing (against hundreds of different intelligence targets in the Soviet Union, China, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and many other places); I taught remote viewing (first to military intelligence personnel and later, since the beginning of 1997, to everyday citizens of the US and other countries around the world); I wrote the government’s manual for a particular kind of remote viewing, called controlled remote viewing (CRV).
Besides being a remote viewer, during my 20 years in the Army I was an Arabic linguist, a signals intelligence and electronic warfare operator, and both a tactical and a strategic intelligence officer. I was stationed in various parts of the United States and in Germany, and was deployed to the Middle East for Desert Storm, ending my career at the Military District of Washington as chief of its Intelligence and Security division. (And yes, I’ve seen the secret entrance through which Marilyn Monroe came into the White House to “visit” John F. Kennedy.)
I have earned a bachelors degree from Brigham Young University and a masters degree from the National Defense University (both in Middle Eastern Studies), and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin, writing on consciousness, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of science.
I am president and chief instructor for Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc., which has a full curriculum of live-instruction controlled remote viewing training courses. It is headquartered in Cedar City, Utah, in the heart of Utah’s stunning and inspirational Red Rock country. And am a founding director and president of the non-profit International Remote Viewing Association.
Finally, I’m the author of Reading the Enemy s Mind: Inside Star Gate – America s Psychic Espionage Program, (published by Tor/Forge in 2005) which was a Book Bonus and Editors Choice Selection for Readers Digest, and have recently published The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing: The Secret Military Remote Perception Skill Anyone Can Learn. I am also co-producer of the acclaimed DVD-based LearnTechnicalDowsing training course, and the newly-released Remote Perception: Basic Operational Training home-study course. Read more about me here.