Digesting the Many Flavors of Remote Viewing

What’s the difference between CRV, ERV, ARV, TRV, SRV (and that’s just the start), they want to know? That’s what new people entering the remote viewing world often think when faced with the many “kinds” of remote viewing they see there.

The Titanic–a Remote Viewing Exercise

  If you’ve seen the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” (sometimes abbreviated by fans as “CEIII”) then you’ve seen Richard Dreyfuss building a model of Wyoming’s Devil’s Tower …

Remote Viewing With Russians

Paul H. Smith recently spent two weeks in southern California training Russians in the art and skill of controlled remote viewing. This is his report, along with some interesting results.

Why Learn Remote Viewing?

  It happens to me all the time. I will be sitting in an airport, or waiting in a doctor’s office, or wherever, and will strike up a conversation with …

Happy Anniversary, Remote Viewing!

It was all started by the improbable partnership of a psychic and a scientist 45 years ago today. June 6, 1972 was when artist/psychic Ingo Swann accompanied physicist Harold E. …

How NOT to Take a Break

On my first day in Army airborne training I learned how not to take a break. Two hours into the routine of drills and running, our platoon’s Black Hat (as …