Target 200505515 is Snoqualmie Falls

Washington State

47° 32′ 29″ N // 121° 50′ 15″ W


Target 200505515 is Snoqualmie Falls, Washington State
Target 200505515 is Snoqualmie Falls, Washington State

(You might perceive some or all of the following, or other relevant elements not listed)

Some Stage 2 (sensory) elements you might Perceive:

Cold, Moist, Craggy, Echoing, White, Splashing, Jagged, Hissing, Foamy, Rushing, Mossy, Fresh, Thundering, Misty, Brown, Whooshing, Blue, Grey, Wet, Rocky, Black, Piny smells, Damp, Green, Shadowy

Some Dimensional elements you might perceive:

High, Towering, Deep, Falling, Sheer, Steep, Low, Narrow, Sloping, Dropping, Plunging

Aesthetic Impact you might encounter:

Awe-inspiring, Vertigo, Scary, Thrilling, Amazing, Overwhelming

And don’t forget to compare your sketches to the feedback to see if there are any  correlations!