Upcoming Remote Viewing Talks and Lectures for 2020

The year 2020 is shaping up to be a busy one for Paul and his teaching and speaking schedule. For his pending courses, you can click here. Below is a preliminary list of where and when he will be doing remote viewing and consciousness-related talks, lectures and workshops. Check back periodically, as this list will be updated as new events are scheduled.

Superhuman Workshop “Remote Viewing”
14 March, Santa Monica CA

2020 Remote Viewing Conference
“Remote Viewing: Martial Art for the Mind” workshop
“Founders Panel”
20 March 2020, Las Vegas NV

Contact in the Desert “Conversations on the Secret History of Remote Viewing”
May 29-June 1, Indian Wells, CA

2020 Vision Looking Forward, the Joint Conference of the Parapsychological Association and the Society for Scientific Exploration (Paul’s topic TBA)
16-19 June, Durham, North Carolina

StarworksUSA UFO Symposium “Remote Viewing and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”
6-8 November, Laughlin NV