Day four of controlled remote viewing training with Paul H. Smith and Angela Thompson Smith (Thursday, Dec. 7).
Today was a blast! We got to do 4 sessions all the way through Stage II (2 with Paul and 2 with Angela). The setup here is that Paul is the monitor, I am the viewer (photos below show it from both perspectives). The monitor randomly selects a target that is specifically labeled, described and printed as a photo. The viewer has ZERO idea what the target is – the viewer is completely “blind”.
The photo serves as “feedback” after the session is over. The intention is for the viewer to perceive the actual target location in present time – NOT the photo. When the viewer is done, the target photo and information is disclosed to the viewer so you can instantly evaluate where you were correct or not.
In this case I hit the target exactly – 100% in my mind. But when Paul looked at my conclusion he didn’t feel “somewhere on planet Earth” was good enough (picky picky). Just kidding.
Even in these beginning stages you observe yourself getting enough specific, accurate data, that you KNOW, for yourself with NO doubt, that there was no other way to acquire it except through this process. It is invigorating to realize this is a natural human ability.
We had our Stage III lecture tonight and will be doing 4, Stage I-III sessions between tomorrow and Saturday. Stage III includes sketching for the first time which I am excited to experience.
More tomorrow!