(Click Here for the schedule of our Controlled Remote Viewing Courses and to Register for a Course)
Ask yourself: Do you want to really learn and use remote viewing, or are you just looking to satisfy your curiosity about it? Many of our competitors offer courses to satisfy your curiosity. Our remote viewing courses will definitely do that, too.
But our primary mission is to give you the most thorough and grounded training available today in real remote viewing. We don’t mean to sound arrogant or smug, but we do want to be truthful. We offer the most authentic remote viewing training available, taught by the world’s longest-serving controlled remote viewing (CRV) teacher, Dr. Paul H. Smith. Our instruction focuses on giving you the skills to become a first-class operational remote viewer (that is, using remote viewing in real-world, practical applications). We offer full-service basic, intermediate, and advanced level training, along with additional remote viewing applications courses. Our chief instructor began teaching controlled remote viewing to students in 1984 while part of the fabled Star Gate military psychic espionage program, and has been involved in the field ever since.

We follow explicitly the CRV methodology developed by those who originated remote viewing itself, Dr. Harold E. Puthoff and Ingo Swann (from whom Paul directly received his own CRV training). The vast majority of current remote viewing approaches are derived from this methodology, though none have improved on the original Puthoff/Swann system. We work on the principle, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” and proceed to teach you the most tried and true remote viewing methods you’ll find.
Core Training Elements Common to Each of Our Remote Viewing Courses:

Our CRV courses begin on Monday and end before noon Saturday. Each course includes 40+ hours of in-class instruction consisting of a carefully-balanced mix of lecture, practical exercises, and hands-on remote viewing sessions. All remote viewing work you do in class is individually supervised by Dr. Smith, with assistance as needed from one of our experienced assistant instructors. Course size is limited to two students per instructor, giving intimate and effective training beyond what can be experienced with any of our competitors.
Included with each CRV course are ten Remote Viewing Skill Reinforcement Sessions (RVSRSs) done by you after you return own home and sent to RVIS, Inc., where they are individually scored by Dr. Smith and returned to you to help you thoroughly master the skills you were taught in class. [Read: Where are our courses taught?]
Here is a brief description of our course offerings:
Controlled Remote Viewing Courses:
Basic Controlled Remote Viewing Courses
(Prerequisite: None.)
Ready to start your remote viewing journey? The Basic CRV course is optimized to get you off on the right foot. Even if you’ve had training or experience from other sources, we guarantee you that you don’t know or understand everything you need to about the principles and skills that make a successful remote viewer. This course incorporates all the essential foundational principles of the Puthoff/Swann methodology, presented in a friendly, fascinating and intimate environment perfect for any personality and learning style. Using the latest multi-sensory principles of adult human learning theory, our course is a carefully-designed mix of lecture, hands-on exercises, experiential field trips, and a minimum of 12 remote viewing sessions you yourself perform under the direct supervision of Paul and his experienced assistants. A special treat offered with the Basic Course is a live Skype lecture and question and answer period with Dr. Hal Puthoff himself (subject to Dr. Puthoff’s availability). Students find this one of the highlights of the course.[Click here for specific Basic course details and to register.]
Intermediate Controlled Remote Viewing courses
(Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of the RVIS, Inc. Basic CRV Course.)
Built upon the sound foundation of RVIS, Inc.’s Basic CRV course, our intermediate training introduces and solidifies skills essential to operational (or “applied”) remote viewing. The core format is similar to that of the basic course, but the instructional content is much more advanced. You will learn the principles of formal Stage 3 movement exercises; how to construct and use the Stage 4 matrix to integrate complex and abstract conceptuals into your sessions; and how to perceive and exploit information from persons located at the target. You will also be introduced to a number of exploratory and interpretational tools to help you better understand what you are perceiving through the remote viewing process, as well as tease out additional information that you might otherwise have missed. This course also includes a live Q&A session with Dr. Hal Puthoff via Skype, so come prepared with your questions for the original founder of the Star Gate remote viewing program. The course wraps up with an introduction to the Stage 5 process. [Click here for specific Intermediate course details and to register.]
Advanced Controlled Remote Viewing courses
(Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of the RVIS, Inc. Intermediate CRV Course.)
The Advanced Course is our capstone. It completes your skills-based training in CRV by teaching you the full Stage 5 applications tool; grounding you in the techniques of three-dimensional modeling of physical target attributes; and introducing you to intuitive geospatial and temporal location (a form of remote viewing-associated remote dowsing). [Click here for specific Advanced course details and to register.]
Remote Viewing Tune-up
(Prerequisite: None.)
Do you want to oil up your rusty remote viewing skills? Get a refresher in a previous course you’ve taken from RVIS, Inc.? Fill in gaps left by less-thorough training you had from some other venue? Get answers to remote viewing questions you always had but found no one else could answer? Get some practice in remote viewing personally supervised by a world expert in CRV? If you have the time and resources, satisfy these and many other remote viewing needs by signing up for a personal Remote Viewing Tune-up session with Dr. Smith. Whether by the hour, half-day, full day, or week, and whether in-person or online, you can arrange a direct engagement with Dr. Smith at a time convenient for you. RV Tune-up pricing
(Click Here for Course Schedule and to Register for a Course)
Practical Application Remote Viewing Courses
Associative Remote Viewing (ARV)
“Messages From Your Mind” Associative remote viewing (ARV). (Prerequisite: Ability to remote view to at least an elementary level.)
Want to put your “intuition” to work earning a profit? How about learning in advance how a future event will turn out? You have the innate ability to access knowledge your future self doesn’t have now, but will have in a few days or weeks from now. Learn how to get your mind to send you “messages” from the future that you can use for your own well-being today. It is called Associative Remote Viewing (ARV), and has been scientifically vetted. We know it works. [Click here for ARV course description and to register.]
Operational remote viewing
(New Course offering. Prerequisite: Training and experience to at least an intermediate level from any credible remote viewing school or training program.)
Following a format similar to our “Messages From Your Mind” ARV course, you will be introduced to every role in an operational remote viewing project. You will get four days of hands-on instruction in and experience as a project manager, tasker, viewer, and analyst on real-world remote viewing operational missions with known solutions. The final course project will involve a real-world task that has not yet been resolved, and data produced by the class will be provided to a real-world consumer in a position to take action based on the information we develop. [ Click here for a detailed description and to register.]
Sketching for Remote Viewers (full course)
(New Course offering. Prerequisite: Minimum of at least a limited experience with remote viewing. Ability to remote view to at least an elementary level.)
The better you are as an artist, the better you will be as a remote viewer. Sketching is one of the most important “output channels” for expressing and recording impressions and perceptions received via remote viewing. The better and more easily you can sketch, the more clearly you will be able to report valuable data and information you perceive from your internal intuitive processes. And it is a skill that can be learned and improved through instruction. In this two-full-day, in-residence course taught by Dr. Smith, you will learn the basics of representing form and shape through drawn and sketched lines and shading. With that as a basis, you will then learn the process of externalizing inner processes through sketching onto paper with the aid of proprietary tachistoscopic software, improving your response time and accuracy. You will then apply what you have learned by performing supervised remote viewing sessions against fully-verifiable targets.
Sketching for Remote Viewers—One-day Workshop
Under certain circumstances (usually in conjunction with remote viewing conferences), we also offer a one-day version of this class: This is a one-day condensation of our regular Sketching for Remote Viewers course. Click here for a more detailed description. (Prerequisite: Minimum of at least a limited experience with remote viewing. Ability to remote view to at least an elementary level.)
Dowsing for Remote Viewers
(New Course offering. Prerequisite: Training and experience to at least an intermediate remote viewing level.)
A significant expansion of our popular Learn Technical Dowsing home-study course, this live-training class brings a group of students together for two full days of hands-on training and exercises in specific dowsing disciplines important in remote viewing applications. After being instructed in basic dowsing techniques and an introduction to the “search problem” in remote viewing, the course continues with training and hands-on practice in map dowsing, decisional dowsing, matrix dowsing, diagram dowsing, temporal dowsing, and other dowsing-related techniques valuable for all remote viewers. Click here for a more detailed description.
(Click Here for Course Schedule and to Register for a Course)
Home-study courses:
Learn Technical Dowsing
(Prerequisite: none.)
A condensed, 2-DVD version of our two-day classroom dowsing course. Ideal for those who don’t have the resources or time to attend one of our live courses. [Order Learn Technical Dowsing here. ]
Remote Perception: Basic Operational Training
(Prerequisite: none.)
If you lack the resources or available time to attend our 5 1/2-day Basic Controlled Remote Viewing Course, this might be perfect for you. Our “Remote Perception: Basic Operational Training” home-study course compresses our week-long course into a 4-DVD set that you can work through at home. [Order “Remote Perception: Basic Operational Training” here.]
(Click Here for Course Schedule and to Register for a Course)