In my article, “Beware the Unknown Tasker,” I cautioned you against accepting remote viewing taskings from just any random person. As I finished writing that article, it occurred to me that it would be helpful to offer some guidelines to help you figure out who would be someone you could feel comfortable working with. So here is a list (and if you have any ideas to share, it would be great if you would offer them as comments at the end of the main article). Remember, this only applies to cases where someone is asking you to remote view for them.1
1. Check to see if the person has a remote viewing reputation, and if so what kind of one. (There are folks with good, bad. or indifferent reputations in the field—often with good reason.)
2. Don’t be afraid to ask the person directly about his or her remote viewing background and experience. You can ask questions such as:
- Have you had training? It’s helpful for someone to actually know how to remote view from their own direct experience. But it’s particularly helpful if someone with knowledge and experience has taught them the ropes. While there are competent taskers out there who are self-taught, that often comes at the expense of the viewers they have worked with along the way.
- What books about remote viewing have you read? This is an excellent indicator of just how diligent the wanna-be tasker has been in learning about the how remote viewing works.
- Have you provided taskings for other viewers in the past? Experience matters.
- If so, approximately how many?
2. Ask your prospective tasker for references to others he or she has worked for that you can talk to.
4. Ask if he or she would be willing to show the proposed tasking to another experienced tasker, so you can stay blind to the target while making sure the tasking is appropriate and well-formed.