After 35 years of involvement in remote viewing training, Paul H. Smith has decided to set his retirement date. But at least we are trying to let you know in plenty of time!
Three years from this coming August (in other words by August, 2022) Paul plans to teach his final Basic Controlled Remote Viewing Course. That is the year and month he turns seventy. This will, he hopes, give him at least a few years afterwards to complete some of the many book, video, art and lecture projects that he has had to put off over the years. But, since there will still be students in the training pipeline, Paul’s will be a phased retirement. After ending his Basic CRV courses in 2022, in August of 2023 he will teach his final Intermediate Course, and a year later (August of 2024) his last Advanced CRV Course. Throughout this period he will still continue to teach his specialty courses on an  at-least annual basis. But by 2024 we will consider ending them as well. (Of course, all this depends on Paul’s health; for now he is in good shape–and hopes to stay that way; but who knows what can happen in five years’ time–at the end of which he will be 72.)
Hopefully, this will give those who are interested in our training the opportunity to start and complete it before Paul retires. There will be as many of these training opportunities as the other demands in Paul’s life allows. Of course, given our instructional philosophy, those opportunities won’t be unlimited. So if you desire to study the original controlled remote viewing method as taught to me by Ingo Swann and Dr. Harold E. Puthoff, you may want to start planning now.