Remote Viewing With Russians

Paul H. Smith recently spent two weeks in southern California training Russians in the art and skill of controlled remote viewing. This is his report, along with some interesting results.

New RVIS Website!

We have had the same website now for about ten years. The original was crafted to the then-latest standards by the late Shelia Massey, who passed away from breast cancer …

An example of a high-quality sketch from a real remote viewing session, compared to the target

New Basic Course Scheduled!

New course scheduled! Now available for sign-ups, Basic Controlled Remote Viewing class, Monday-Saturday, 9-14 October 2017, Cedar City Utah (3 spaces remaining). [Add link to course schedule page]

Remote Viewing and the Nazca Lines

Latest article from the Remote Viewing/Remote Perception Blog: “Deflecting a Cheap Shot: Remote Viewing and the Nazca Lines.” Once you have posted your Amazon review, just contact Paul at …

New Zealander Dave Boles

A new “My Remote Viewing Journey” posted on YouTube. New Zealander Dave Boles tell us how he got involved in remote viewing, and CRV training.