The Research Work of Ingo Swann
A 32-Year Overview

Since 1970, Ingo Swann has worked with over 38 cutting-edge researchers in the fields of Parapsychology and cognitive perception, with an additional 14 projects governed by non-disclosure agreements.

His early 1970-1972 work with parapsychology researchers based in New York produced results that attracted international attention and acclaim. By 1973, with thousands of experimental trials counted up, he was broadly noted as parapsychology’s most tested “guinea-pig.”

However, he is best known for his long-term association with Dr. H.E. Puthoff at Stanford Research Institute (SRI). This work (between 1972 and 1988 in the field of remote viewing) achieved high luminosity because of sponsorship by U.S. intelligence and military agencies. Through these years, hundreds of thousands of experimental trials contributed to increases of knowledge that had not been attained elsewhere.

After his retirement in 1989 from such big-time research, Swann continued intermittent work with advanced researchers in the fields of multi-dimensional mental imagery, perception, and refined brainwave studies.

Swann’s 32 years of work is unified by four principal factors.

  • His original and continuing focus was not on parapsychology models alone, but included the larger fields of extraordinary awareness and perception faculties. He understands these faculties to be naturally existing and always available within the human species – and which, at the species biomind level, transcend cultural and societal boundaries.
  • He has always been an advocate of a much-needed multidisciplinary approach to problems of human awareness thresholds and the delicate mental expertise that can be discovered about them.
  • He has basically viewed the phenomena of clairvoyance, telepathy, psychokinesis, and remote viewing from the overall and bigger humankind level, rather than from the smaller personal, individual, or socio-specializing levels.
  • Since faculties for expanded awareness and perception exist as a full part of the human biomind at the species level, he has always considered it necessary to research, discover, and remedy social and cultural factors that prevent their nurturing and development.

All of these factors were incorporated into the fifteen-year research project at Stanford Research Institute, and helped produce development of various important but hitherto unknown aspects of remote viewing. The project also researched and leaned heavily on hundreds of published papers and information drawn from scientific sources outside the boundaries of parapsychology focus.

In a socio-cultural sense, Swann’s overall 30-odd years of work roughly covers two periods of mainstream intolerance-tolerance ratios. Always and only working with accredited scientists, his work between 1970-1985 took place within a long-established milieu of extreme scientific and mainstream intolerance to human faculties of expanded and refined perception.

Since 1985, this intolerance has ameliorated considerably, largely due to advancing discoveries about the impressive extent of biological receptors of the human body-mind, many of which account for extraordinary human sensing faculties.

Continuing discovery confirming the remarkable nature of the human genome has also clearly established that the genetic basis for those faculties is present in most individuals, although remaining socially non-nurtured and undeveloped. As of 2000, however, extreme intolerance against scientific development of telepathy remains abundantly active.

In summing up his three decades of work and research, Swann holds that human sensing-perceptive systems are, in their total and probable scope, extraordinary and remarkable, and that they are composed not only of known factors, but also of potentials not yet identified and studied. But human sensing-perceptive systems are complex, especially when expanded and developed into higher-stage functioning.

In the face of these glorious systems, simplistic, insular, and dogmatic approaches are seldom useful either with regard to understanding them or especially with regard to developing them.

Therefore, increasing amounts of inter-disciplinary information need to be drawn from any source possible and organized into the larger picture of all that is involved.

A partial archive of many factors involved can be found in Ingo’s website

A Partial Listing of Research and Experiments in Which Ingo Swann has Participated

1971  Began active participation in parapsychological laboratory work

1971  Research with Clive Backster, New York (plant consciousness and psychokinetic effects of small samples of graphite).

1971   Research with Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler, City College of New York (psychokinetic effects upon continuously recorded temperature).

1971-1972  Research with Dr. Karlis Osis, The American Society for Psychical Research, New York (out-of-body consciousness and perceptions).

1972  Research with Dr. C. Silfen, The American Society for Psychical Research, New York (temporal and spatial perception aspects of remote viewing potentials).

1972  Research with Dr. H.E. Puthoff, Stanford Research Institute (psychokinetic perturbation of a superconductor-shielded Josephson effect magnetometer).

1973  Research with Dr. H. Crane, Dr. H. E. Puthoff, and R. Targ, Stanford Research Institute (project Scangate [CIA-funded]: systematic utilization of non-physical targets that ‘refer’ to real-time situations [remote viewing by geographic co-ordinates]).

1973  Research with Dr. H. E. Puthoff, R. Targ and H. Sherman, Stanford Research Institute (experimental psychic probe of the planet Jupiter in attempting to identify distance measurement of expanded consciousness).

1973  Research with Dr. W. Harman, Stanford Research Institute (experimental prophetic correlations, an experimental effort at world-wide predictive trend analysis correlated with adept/inept dimension alternative future histories.

1974-1988  Research with Dr. H. E. Puthoff, Stanford Research Institute, continuous in-depth research funded by government clients (CIA, DIA, DOD, Army Intelligence). The operative nature and directions of this long-term research activity were classified in 1975 by the participating sponsors, and remain classified as of the year 2001.

1974  Research with A. Twitchell, Dr. J. Mitchell, Dr. J. Wingate, and Dr. G. Schmeidler, American Society for Psychical Research (precognition, an attempt to ascertain consciousness variable in predictive ability).

1974  Research with Dr. G. Schmeidler, Dr. S. Krippner, and Dr. J. Mitchell, New York (an experimental remote viewing probe of a distant planet Mercury.

1975  Research with Dr. R. Miller, Atlanta, Georgia (psychokinetic effects in a diffusion cloud chamber).

1975  Research with Dr. M. Vogel, San Jose, California (psychokinetic effects on electrical reactions of a plant).

1975  Research with Dr. E. May and C. Honorton, Maimonide Medical Center, New York (a dynamic PK experiment with Ingo Swann).

1975  Research with Dr. J. Vallee, Dr. A Hastings, and Dr. G. Askevold, Institute for the Future, Palo Alto, California (cross-country remote viewing experiments utilizing computer conferencing).

1976  Research with Dr. W. Roll and G. Solfin, Psychical Research Foundation, Durham, N.C. (long-distance remote hearing experiments).

1976  Research with Dr. S. Krippner, Dr. J. Mitchell, and H. Sherman (cross-country remote viewing of the planet Mars).

1977  Research with Dr. C. Tart, University of California at Davies (direct clairvoyant viewing of internal state of an ESP learning machine.

1974-1979  A special interest in utilizing audio-visual methods for presenting psychical and consciousness phenomena, including artistic expressioning. Produced five slide shows in association with J. Turchuck:

  1. Cosmic Art
  2. The remote viewing probes of H. Sherman and I. Swann of the planets Jupiter and Mercury.
  3. The beauties of Kirlian and laser light photography demonstrating mental interference patterns.
  4. Parapsychology in art.
  5. Death – A Concept Reborn; clinical death and recovery experiences.

1989  Retired from active government research and from public appearances.

1989  Research with Dr. Elmer Green (and group) in the voluntary Controls Program at the Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas: Physical Fields and States of Consciousness: Consciousness, Body Electricity, and Psychophysical Learning, and Anomalous electrostatic Phenomena in Exceptional Subjects.

1990 onward:  Began occasional research with Dr. Gerald Epstein involving volitional control of mental image management, accessing subconscious imagery, decoding information content of biomind imagery, and entering into transdimensional imagery.

1998  Research with the Laurentian University Neuroscience Research Group, Dr. M. A. Persinger, Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology, and Dr. W. Roll. This research consisted of a full MRI of head and brain; complete neuropsychological, cognitive, and personality assessments; near-infrared and Glial Matrix functions associated with remote viewing; electroencephalographic correlates; study of possible mechanisms for long-distance mental imaging; neurophysiological process enhancement by experimentally generated complex magnetic fields. Novel equipment (the ‘Octopus’) detecting brainwave activity above high beta.

Year 2000  Second research sequence with Dr. M.A. Persinger and Dr. W. Roll at the Laurentian University in Sudbury, Canada. The research included extensive EEG analysis of brainwave frequencies between 40-60 cycles per second during repeated clairvoyant, telepathic, and remote viewing tests. Specific frequencies were found to be consistently active during repeated testing. Experiments with novel equipment designed to apply selected brainwave frequencies outside the skull showed that certain frequencies enhanced para-sensory perceptions by several magnitudes.

  • To Kiss Earth Goodbye (Hawthorne, 1975)
  • Cosmic Art, Ed. (Hawthorne, 1976)
  • Star Fire [Fiction] (Dell, 1978)
  • Natural ESP (Bantam, 1987; Tarcher, 1991)
  • Your Nostradamus Factor (Simon and Schuster, 1993)
  • Purple Fables, Quartet (Hampton Roads, 1994)
  • The Great Apparitions of Mary: An Examination of Twenty-two Supernormal Appearances (Crossroads, 1996)
  • Penetration: the Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy (Ingo Swann Books, 1998)
  • Psychic Sexuality: the Bio-psychic “Anatomy” of Sexual Energies (Ingo Swann Books, 1999)
  • Secrets of Power: Volume I – Individual Empowerment vs the Societal Panorama of Power and Depowerment (Ingo Swann Books, 2000)
  • Secrets of Power: Volume II – the Vitalizing of Individual Powers (Ingo Swann Books, 2002)

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